Thesis: First to Die
“First to Die” surfaces the pervasive reliance on Black racial tropes in the horror genre and examines how these constructions reflect and impact cultural identity and societal beliefs. By drawing on literary and cinematic references, I aim to uncover instances of race and racism that are not immediately apparent and shift the focus of film discourse from one that avoids race to one that prioritizes it.
The installation shown above features an 'infinite' script, which compiles the final words spoken by Black characters in horror films (ranging from "Aaauugghhh!" to "Go! Just go!"). On the back wall sits a red-lit cabinet of curiosities, housing a collection of dolls I made from upcycled and found materials. Each doll embodies a prevalent trope found in the horror genre, such as The Magical Negro or the Sassy Black Best Friend. The Sacrificial Negro doll stands apart from the group to higlight its importance.
The installation shown above features an 'infinite' script, which compiles the final words spoken by Black characters in horror films (ranging from "Aaauugghhh!" to "Go! Just go!"). On the back wall sits a red-lit cabinet of curiosities, housing a collection of dolls I made from upcycled and found materials. Each doll embodies a prevalent trope found in the horror genre, such as The Magical Negro or the Sassy Black Best Friend. The Sacrificial Negro doll stands apart from the group to higlight its importance.

For a more detailed look into my thought process and creative journey, check out my Medium post.